Hospitalized Chavista Gets A Surprize
Susi Ventura is a 5th grader from Central Elementary School and a member of the Cesar Chavez Service Clubs. As a "Chavista" she has learned about leadership, community service and the importance of friendships and relationships.
Susi has missed a lot of school and Chavez Service Club meetings lately because she is battling Leukemia and is hospitalized. Her mother visits her daily encourages Susie to stay positive and keep up her fight.
On Thursday May 26th, Susi got a huge surprise. A group of her Chavista friends visited her to deliver more than 900 "Get Well" letters written by fellow Chavistas from Chavez Service Clubs at more than 20 inner city San Diego area schools.
"When Susi's classmates and other Chavistas in nearby schools heard about Susi's battle with cancer, they wanted her to know that they were pulling for her," said Club Manger Natalie LeGerrette. "The letters to Susi were a way they could all put into action some of the 10 Cesar Chavez Values they learn especially "Help Someone" and "Si Se Puede."
Susi and her Mom were thrilled to get all of the greetings from Chavistas at her school and from others around the city. She is looking forward to reading all 900+ letters and knows they will help her be even more determined to win her fight against cancer and get back to her school soon.