On Saturday September 30, 2017 at Hoover High School from 12 to 3pm, Chavistas from several schools helped organize and staff a relief concert to benefit school children in Mexico wh were impacted by the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that caused widespread damage and destroyed at least two schools on September 19, 2017. The event consisted of Ballet Folklorico “Raices," Hoover High School Jazz Band, “Los Hollywood” Rock en Español, Mariachi Juvenil, and Special Guest Speaker, Marcela Celorio from the Mexican Consulate.
In lieu of an admission fee to the concert, students and community members attending were asked to contribute a donation of their choice; monetary donations, non-perishable canned food, baby care items, bottled water, hygiene items, etc.

In addition to students, many parents and people from the community showed their support by just stopping by and dropping off their donations. Many neighborhood non-profits also helped by stopping by and donating goods. By the end of the event the van that was stationed at Hoover High where all the donations were to be collected was overflowing with donations. In addition to the food and supplies donated, the event raised more than $2,000 for the children at schools impacted by the quake.
More than 30 Chavez Club members from several different schools worked with the San Diego Unified School District Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Department staff to plan and stage this successful event. The event received significant local news coverage. Here is a link to the article about the event in the San Diego Union Tribune, our Club Manager Natalie LeGerrette is quotedin this article.
CLICK TO READ UT Article: Hoover High Concert Benefits Mexico Quake Victims
As you can see from these photos the event was a huge success and our Chavistas worked hard to set up the event and pack and organize all the donations into the van to send them on their way to the quake victims in Mexico.