Don't miss the most inspiring Holiday Event you will ever attend!
Our Third Annual Pizza, Pasta & Prosecco event will be held on:
Wednesday December 6th
5:30 pm
At the home of Carlos and Linda LeGerrette
1359 Grove Street San Diego, CA
Enjoy wonderful pizza specially prepared and donated by Matteo Cattanero, owner of the highly acclaimed and awarded Italian restaurant, Buona Forchetta. And enjoy the company of our supporters gathered for holiday conversations.
And, this year you will have an opportunity to bid to make a special donation for Two Round Trips on Southwest Airlines! Your donation will help support the leadership programs of the Chavez Clubs serving 1,000 students in 25 local schools.
The Cesar Chavez Service Clubs provides leadership development programs in inner city schools, building confidence, competence and a sense of community within young people. Teaching the ten values that Cesar Chavez embodied, and carrying out service projects that benefit local communities, the Clubs inspire students to believe in themselves and that they can make a difference.
Click on the link below to register or RSVP.